Front office


Apple-a-Day Ratzlaff Ranch

13128 Occidental Rd
Sebastopol, CA 95472



(707) 823-0538


During Apple Season (September-November)

Mondays: 9 am – 4 pm
Tuesdays: 9 am – 4 pm
Wednesdays: 9 am – 4 pm
Fridays: 9 am – 4 pm
Sundays: 9 am – 4 pm


Off-Season (December-August)

By Appointment Only


    • Mike Zarras

      We usually don’t have pre-picked apples for sale at our farm during our U-pick season. Sorry for any inconvenience.
      Thank you,
      Apple A Day

  • Yijun

    Dear Apple A Day farm owner,

    Do you have an estimate on when you might be open for U-Pick this year?

    We have been coming for to your lovely farm for over 4 years now. It became a family must-to-do thing in the fall. We all love the sweet and crisp apples from you.

    Thank you!


    • Mike Zarras

      Hi YiJun,

      Opening day will be Sunday October 1st. The apples are taking their sweet time to ripen. Our U-pick varieties are Rome Beauty’s and Golden Delicious apples. No appointments or reservations are necessary for U-Pick. We are closed on Thursdays and Saturdays. Please visit for updated information. We hope to see you at our Ranch. Thank you again for your patience and support.

      Thank you,
      Apple A Day

  • Julien

    Hey Mike,

    I grew up with Apple-a-Day at the Davis Farmers Market and I窶囘 love to support you guys but I now live in Los Angeles. Is there any way to ship to LA?

  • Erin Meyer

    I hope you are well. I am a program coordinator at the University of California Merced and the Merced County Food Bank where I am working to fight food waste and hunger. I was wondering if you ever have surplus foods and if so, if you would like to donate them to the Merced County Food Bank. Please contact me at any time at 209 205 8102 or .

    Erin Meyer, MS
    CropMobster Coordinator
    Bobcat Eats Food Waste Awareness and Prevention Program Coordinator

  • Lupe Garcia

    Hi, Mike

    Thank you for the interview this morning. I appreciate your time, and the great work you all do at Ratzlaff Ranch. As a Sustainable Agriculture Major I appreciate all the sustainable efforts that Ratzlaff Ranch is tacking to be sustainable. Keep up the great work!

    Thank you,

    Guadalupe Garcia

  • Irene Liu

    Hi – I’m interested in visiting in December (either 12/8 or 12/9). Not sure if apple picking will be over, but we’d still love to visit. Let us know how that would work. Thanks!

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